Inside in my email

Every now and then I kept on checking my email and as much as possible I don’t want to leave it, without reading it all. However I don’t have much time to check all the emails that I’ve received. So I segregate those emails that we called spam. I received a lot of spam in my email and I even don’t know why they got my email address. To add burden to this thing, I even received mails from my friends who I thought important but when you are going to check it out, it is spam. I would really think why they have the name of my friends?

Anyways, I want to get rid of this and I don’t want to keep on receiving spam emails. I better check some things about this so that I could avoid it. I check email marketing newsletter. I guess this would lessen my burden in reading those spam emails. I really hate it and I really want to avoid it as much as possible. I don’t want to spend so much time in non sense thing. I am finding ways on how to avoid it and get rid of it. I just hope I could find the answer. But for now I need to get some rest because I have a long day tomorrow. I am so tired today, so spare me my dear readers and followers.

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