Another month and another time for our girls talk. Just cant wait to join another girls talk here. So for this month we are going to talk about "hate music", I really could not think of anything that I hate when it comes to music because I love music any music I love it...
But I need to narrow down and pick up the hate music. I hate the music of budots budots. I dont get what it means but that's how they say it. If the sounds is budots budots. Other thinks that it's cool and its in, but I really disagree with their comments but usually the one saying on it are the younger generation. Maybe I just dont get because I am no longer their generation. But what ever it is, I still dont like the budots budots.
This would be my girls talk for this week. I'll be seeing you again in the next thursday.

Girl akong anak sige kanta ana, giingnan bitaw sige kantaha pa wala kay baon undang lagi hehehehe
oh i like budots budots...not all though, only selected few. happy GT!
katawa ko sa comment ni ann.hehehhe
oh no, i dont even know them! the generations are becoming younger, i sometimes cannot catch up with them.
anyway, happy GT!
waaah!!! di ko alam ano yun! hahaha!!!
I dont know if this budots budots music is available in another area. I guess its only here in our city. I am not sure.
oh... i think i don't know what budots budots is...
what's budots budots? hee hee. i hardly listen to the radio anymore so no more new mainstream music for me. must be irritating to the ears, if you don't like it :)
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